Connecticut: The Only State that keeps it gangsta in congress $$blingbling$$ [About a quarter past eleven o'clock, after prayers, whilst the SPEAKER was in his Chair, and many members in their places, but before the House had been called to order, and before the Journal had been read, Mr. GRISWOLD entered the House, and observing Mr. LYON in his place (who was writing) he went up to him with a pretty strong walking stick in his hand, with which he immediately began to beat him with great violence Mr.G.'s approach was observed by Mr. LYON, but before he could get fry behind his desk he had received some severe blows. As soon as he got on the floor of the House he endeavored to lay hold of Mr. G. (having no stick or weapon in his hand) but he was prevented from doing so by Mr. G's falling back, and the continual blows with which he was assailed. At length getting behind the Speaker's chair, Mr. L. snatched up the tongs from the fire; the combatants then closed and came down together upon the floor, Mr. G. being uppermost. The members in the House, who till now seemed to look on with amazement at the scene, without an attempt, to put an end to it, got round the parties, and separated them, but not before Mr. L. had aimed a blow at Mr. G.'s head with the tongs, but which he parried off. The SPEAKER was now called upon to desire the members to take their seats, and form the House. Whilst this was doing, the two enraged members met again without the bar, and but for the doorkeeper and some gentlemen present, would have renewed the combat. Order having been obtained (at least as much as it was possible to obtain from the agitated state of the House) the Clerk proceeded to read the Journal, and the business of the day was entered upon....] -- Reps. Roger Griswold (F-Ct.) and Matthew Lyon (F-Vt.) Annals of Congress, February 15, 1798 OCRing and incredibally-stupid-comment by Diognes The Fox.